過去ログ - 0053:1994年代のCDROMコピーほしい?

1 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/24 16:16:54) []
2 名前:メドローア ( ) (投稿:2004/03/25 18:07:36) []
What are those ?
Is it grate?
I don't need those because I don't know what those are .
3 名前:Orios(管理人) (★) メール:leo814@theia.ocn.ne.jp URL:http://orios.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (投稿:2004/03/25 20:56:01) []
FreeBSD : This is an OS related to Unix.
歴史博物館 : THE HISTORY MUSEUM (^^;(←This is a Japanese smiley. In America or Britain etc., the sideway faces like ":-)" are used.)
RFC : Request for Comment ("The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in my site is also RFC (RFC1321). This document is translated into Japanese by Orios.)
4 名前:メドローア ( ) (投稿:2004/03/25 21:12:00) []
5 名前:Orios(管理人) (★) メール:leo814@theia.ocn.ne.jp URL:http://orios.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (投稿:2004/03/25 23:03:33) []
Then, you don't write in English, too. You said that you have the pre-second Eiken grade, so you can read my sentenses easily, can't you?
6 名前:Sinryow ( ) URL:http://www.sinryow.net/ (投稿:2004/03/26 13:59:00 最終修正:2004/03/26 13:59:23) []
Then, you don't write in English, tooeither.
7 名前:Orios(管理人) (★) メール:leo814@theia.ocn.ne.jp URL:http://orios.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (投稿:2004/03/26 15:23:46) []
Thank you for your advise.
8 名前:Sinryow ( ) メール:mail@sinryow.net URL:http://www.sinryow.net/ (投稿:2004/03/29 18:28:27) []
Thank you for your advise advice.
9 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/29 19:39:26) []
10 名前:Orios(管理人) (★) メール:leo814@theia.ocn.ne.jp URL:http://orios.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (投稿:2004/03/29 22:50:40) []
Oh, I made a mistake again.... Thank you, Sinryow.
In fact, this thread was secretly named "Let's write in English!" by Medoroa and me.
11 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/30 01:36:24) []
Sorry about that- wont happen again
12 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/30 01:45:20) []
! ..poor... cannot read by Medorora when writing in English.
13 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/30 01:56:28) []
Please write evidence of Medorora of fool or foolishness.

First of all, I write.

He was declaring that he would finish doing homework at the end of holiday.

The copy specialist who greatly became it was here.


14 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/30 02:05:59) []
These CDs contain a variety of standards documents gathered from a
number of public sources. Every effort has been made to arrange the
files in a meaningful and useful directory structure. Naturally there
is a "misc" directory that contains things that didn't quite fit
anywhere else.

Previous releases of this disc contained an IEEE directory. We were forced
to remove this at the insistance of the IEEE. So much for the widespread
distribution of standards !

The directories on the discs are as follows:

ansi/ SCSI specs
dos/ DOS tools for untarring and unzipping
inet/ Assorted Internet related material including RFC's, etc.
iso/ Other ISO standards and Drafts
misc/ Things that didn't fit anywhere else
nist/ National Institute of Standards
hyperrfc/ RFC's in HyperText
winsock/ Windows Sockets docs
winsnmp/ Windows SNMP specs.
infostnd/ Installation files for the Browser (see below)
ghost/ Installation files for Ghostscript and Ghostview (see
ccitt/ 1988 Bluebook and 1992 revisions
1988 1988 material in ASCII, Postscript, and TROFF
1992 1992 (and newer) material in Postscript, ASCII, WordPerfect
and Word-for-Windows format

In the 1988 version of the Bluebook, volume 8, which covers
networking, is only provided in preliminary troff files. These files
are not completely usable as provided, though much of the text formats
correctly. Many of these documents are available in the 1992 versions
in Word for Windows, ASCII, and EPS formats.

The files "00_find.unx" and "00_find.dos" are the result of the
UNIX(tm) command "find . -type f -print" which enumerates all the
files on both discs. The files "ls_lr.unx" and "ls_lr.dos" are the
result of the UNIX(tm) command "ls -lR" which shows date/size info
for all the files on the discs.

We have provided several applications on the 1st disc. These
1) RFC's in Hypertext. This is a compilation from late
1991 of approximately 250 of the core RFC's. They
are all fully updated as of the creation date (Oct
1991) and fully cross linked. This application uses
version 1.0 of the Microsoft Multimedia Viewer (which
is provided). To install this application run
"setup.exe" from the "hyperrfc" directory.

2) Ghostscript and Ghostview. These two applications
allow postscript files to be viewed under DOS and
Windows and to be printed on non-postscript printers.
They are required to use the included browser (see
below). To install these applications run
"setup.exe" from the "ghost" directory.

3) The InfoMagic Standards Browser. This application
lets you view the CCITT & RFC's directly from the CD.
It supports viewing of the ASCII, Postscript, and
Word-for-Windows versions (assuming you have the
supporting applications). To install the browser run
"setup.exe" from the "infostnd" directory.

As always if you have any problems or questions feel free to contact
us at:

Tel: 800-800-6613 (US & Canada) or (602) 526-9565
Fax: (602) 526-9573
email: info@InfoMagic.com
15 名前:おりゃ ( ) (投稿:2004/03/30 02:09:44) []
I send the applicant the replica of DISC.
16 名前:Orios(管理人) (★) メール:leo814@theia.ocn.ne.jp URL:http://orios.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (投稿:2004/03/30 15:09:57 最終修正:2004/03/30 16:27:24) []
This page is the evidence. There are many images, but few links. The only link on the top page is a link to the top page!
